كناري الموزاييك Canari Mosaique
الموزاييك بأنواعه
الموزاييك وهو كناري حديث الانتاج و يأتي بلونين فقط هما الاحمر والاصفر ميزة هذا النوع هو ظهور اللون في مناطق محددة من الجسم وباقي الجسم يكون باللون الابيض
الشكل العام / يجب ان يكون كبير الحجم
الرأس/يكون للذكور قناع حول الوجه ويكون الى منتصف الرأس بعد العين ويجب ان يكون القناع بدون بياض حول المنقار او داخل القناع
الكتف/اللون يكون حول الاكتاف ولا يجب ان يصل الى الجناح
الصدر/يكون اللون في الصدر على شكل شبه دائري وكلما كان اللون صغير يكون افضل
ويجب ان يكون هناك لون في نهاية الظهر قبل الذيل
الذيل/ يجب ان يكون على شكل رقم سبعة
الرأس/يكون خط فوق العين ويجب ان يكون اللون واضح
الكتف/يكون اللون واضح على الكتف
الصدر/ يكون اللون موجودفي الصدر
ويكون اللون ايضا في نهاية الظهر
التفريخ/ يعتبر تفريخ هذا النوع جيد لكن يجب على المربي ان يحترف تقديم المواد الملونة لهذا النوع
يجب تقديم المواد الملونة قبل وضع البيض بأسبوعين للزوج طبعا للكناري ذو العامل الاحمر ولا نقدم اي مواد ملنة خلال فترة زق الافراخ ويكون لون الفراخ جزري فاتح
وتقدم المواد الملونة للفراخ في عمر 40 يوم او 43 اي في فترة القلش الاولى في حياة الفراخ
ويجب ان لا نقدم صفار البيض للموزاييك الاحمر
وتقدم المواد الملونة للطيور البالغة في كل فترة قلش وكل فترة على مدار السنة ليحافظ على اللون
The basic mosaic factor for red-factor canaries has been captured in the Venezuelan siskin: it is the mosaic factor of paramount quality. It should be noted that there are two types of Venezuelan siskins, one of which has a white band that rises well to the chest from the abdomen. It is this type of sow that must be coupled to improve the mosaics. Note also that we must have pure Venezuelan siskins because many seals today are from crosses with Magellan's siskins in order to enlarge the size and when we use them in canary strains this is not the same thing. The pure tarn can be recognized by the clear distribution of black under the head and chest while an impure tarn will see his bib slightly down to the chest. It is also necessary to know that the Red Siskins have also been crossed with seals of the alders to introduce mutations brown, isabelle etc and there also these Red Siskins have now their modified genetic inheritance.
The turn of the 90s, the shift to work by lineages
It was when one wanted to write black on white or rather to visualize by a drawing the international conception of the male mosaic that the "race for the enlargement of the mask" began. The text said mask of goldfinch that is to say a round mask but did not specify its height (that the forehead, to rise to the vertical of the eye, to exceed the level of the eye ... ??). Everyone went for his interpretation and especially we sought the spectacular. And it's true that the more the mask is high and bigger the more it throws. From far away we only see the mask. And anyone even a neophyte can say: wow, here's a beautiful bird! From this moment, some Italian breeders, a few Belgians, and some French imitators tried to enlarge this mask. We changed the method of coupling, finished the crossings by compensation we passed to the crossing by accentuation. This means that we have looked in the other sex (female) characteristics of male = head marks too large. Females considered previously as very faulty and which were rejected were on the contrary sought after because they had genes of localization of the lipochrome different. We began to speak of females of male lineages. Initially they just showed red under the beak and in front of the eye, but as the generations grew, these red areas spread inexorably to the point of resembling more and more the facial mask of a male . As a result only of this work on the male lines it was envisaged to do the opposite to produce females of competition since the couples of male lines did not produce any more female of expo. The conceptualization of this theory or the theorization of this conception is in the hands of the Club del Mosaico (Italian mosaic club) which for more than 10 years campaigns for this approach. All that is heard and especially read in France currently on this subject is only a copy of the Italian speech of this club. We only present the advantages of this approach sometimes even by exaggerating them and we never present the disadvantages, the setbacks, the biological or ethical drifts ... that's why I speak of "unique thought" because for the managers of various mosaic clubs both in Italy and in France there are male lineages and female lineages and apart from that there is no salvation.
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